Well I’m sitting writing this at the computer in the spare room. I guess that is some progress - I can now get into the room. There was always going to be some problems sorting out this room entirely. I’m storing some of my sister stuff in it until she buys her house. I only ever wanted to make sure that the room functioned as a place for people to stay over, for me to be able to use a desktop computer (or a laptop at a desk), and to be able to use my sewing machine.
The fact that I’m writing this post at the desk means I’ll call this project a success! There is still some sorting out of household papers to do but the desk is clear and I can see (most of) the floor.
Let the creativity begin! (Hopefully.)
Better get started…
I haven’t done anything creative in ages.
Project az is my way of making sure I stick at it. For a year. Starting today.
The list isn’t finished yet, I’d love to hear your suggestions on what I could fill the missing weeks with… (I’ll just add to this list so it will eventually be filled so you better get in quick.)
Once a month the project has to be free or almost free, and I’m trying to get in a few projects I have never done before. I also may change some of the projects or the order they are they are on list. Hey, it’s my list, I can do that if I want!
March 21st, 2011
Project 365
Project 52
Project az..?
26 seems like a much more manageable number. There are 26 fortnights in a year, and 26 letters in the alphabet. This is almost do-able…